All Zoom Online Courses are Taught Live with the President
Please Click on Images Below for Course Details
Select course below, pay course tuition, complete Online Information Form instructor will contact you to confirm class date and time. Upon successful completion of course, your certified certificate will be shipped to you within 48 hours.
Couse cost subject to change without notice.

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Instructor Certification Course
This course covers the full spectrum of Teaching Methods, Classroom Management,
Lesson Plan Development, Classroom Setup, PowerPoint, Learning Objectives, Role of the Instructor, Delivery Style, Understanding Student Views, Ethnicities and more.
COST: $1,250

Private Detective/Investigator Course
This is a 70 Hour State Mandated course of instruction which covers 24 areas of study necessary to become a certified Private Detective.
GA Rule 509-03-06
COST: 249.99

Basic Security Officer Course
This 24-Hour State Mandated course covers all aspects of Security Guard training and prepares the student for a career working as a security guard. GA Rule 509-03-02
COST: $249.99

Basic Firearms Fundamentals Course 509-03-10
This State Certified course covers the basic fundamentals of firearms and firearm safety practices. Course will cover both Semi-Automatic and Revolver pistols.
Also includes Live-Fire range qualification.
COST: $249.99

This course will introduce the student to the use of the TASER. This course covers Taser History, Specifics, Power Source, Nomenclature, Electro-Muscular Disruption, How the Taser Works, Types of Tasers: M18 Taser, X26, Taser 10, X12 Shotgun Taser, Pulse Taser, C2 Taser and C7 Taser., Cities and States where Taser is Legal / Illegal
COST: $249.99

4 Day "Live" Online Executive Protection Specialist Course
Chief Instructor: Dr. Leonard Holifield
This is a LIVE online course that covers the unique dynamics of providing close protection for a client, to include: Advancing, Threat Assesment, Formations, Protecting and Managing the Client Effectively, Convoy Motorcade, Emergency First Aid, Attack on Principal Management, Close Quarter Combat and More... COST $999.99

This is a (Live) online or (in-person) course that covers a variety of topics and exercises designed to challenge and enhance your Survival Skills, Mental Aptitude and Situational Awareness in the event of an ACTIVE SHOOTER situation. This course goes deeper into understanding the mind-set of the attacker, and what to do and what not to do in the event that you find yourself in an active shooter situation. Upon success completion of this course, the student will receive an Academy Certificate of Training. COST: $299.99